Book Review: Daughter of Smoke and Bone

Okay, I know, I’ve really been slacking on this blog thing lately. It’s funny how every time I sit down to write something, life seems to get in the way. But not today! I’m on vacation and my dog is asleep in his crate so (hopefully) there won’t be any interruptions! (Okay, so I obviously…

Book Review: Divergent

I know I’ve been MIA for a while. Things have been ridiculously busy and stressful at work and last Saturday was the boy’s birthday so I really haven’t had a ton of downtime. But, I’m back! I know how much you all missed me! I originally read this book when it first came out and…

Book Review: Poison Study

This is another one of those books I read some time ago but I’ve been unable to get myself off the couch today (St. Patty’s day weekend, need I say more?) so I decided to give it another look. And when I reread stuff, that always (well, almost always) leads to another book review! Poison…

Book Review: Unravel Me

I feel kind of weird reviewing the second book in a series when I haven’t written a review for the first one but I read Shatter Me so long ago and I’m not too keen on reading it again so I decided to just skip ahead to Mafi’s most recent release. Oh well, here goes! Unravel Me, by…

Book Review: The Killing Moon (Dreamblood)

I know that from the look of my blog, it seems like I only read young adult novels, and while I do have a soft spot for them, I actually do read books that are, how shall we say, more age appropriate. Which brings me to my most recent literary acquisition: The Killing Moon by N.K….

Book Review: Freak of Nature

It snowed close to 18 inches where I am today, so, I’m hiding indoors. You know what that means! Review time! I’ve been reading a lot of major releases lately so I thought I’d go with a less well-known book for my next review. I’ve read a lot of these smaller publications and some of…

Book Review: Requiem

Agggh! I can’t believe it’s over! I thought that giving it a day before I wrote this review would help me become less emotionally unstable about it all, but, that clearly didn’t work out. Oh well, on to the review! Requiem, by Lauren Oliver, Harper Collins, 2013, 432 pp. The Hook:  Now an active member of…

Book Review: The Scourge

I think it’s time to take a break from my usual dystopia fare and review a book that contains one of my other obsessions: zombies! The Scourge, by A.G. Henley, Amazon Digital Services Inc., 243 pp. The Hook: Seventeen-year-old Groundling, Fennel, is Sightless. She’s never been able to see her lush forest home, but she knows…

Book Review: Prodigy

Made it to the weekend after a grueling week at work so what did I do? Read more books, that’s what! Prodigy: A Legend Novel, by Marie Lu, Putnam Juvenile, 2012, 384 pp. The Hook: June and Day arrive in Vegas just as the unthinkable happens: the Elector Primo dies, and his son Anden takes his place….

Book Review: Legend

The next book on my reading list is Prodigy, the sequel to Legend, so I thought now would be a good time to reread the first book and write down my thoughts! Legend, by Marie Lu, Putnam Juvenile, 320 pp. The Hook: What was once the western United States is now home to the Republic, a nation…